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Table of Contents
➡️ = Written by Alexander Raynor
🌟 = Guest Post
🎤 = Interview
🔒 = For Paid Subscribers Only
📗 = Translation
(in chronological order)
➡️ Bienvenue à la Nouvelle Droite
➡️ Reading List of the European New Right
🌟 Jonathan Bowden on the European New Right
➡️ List of Seminars and Conferences conducted by GRECE (1968-1987)
📗Armin Mohler on Ernst Jünger's Der Arbeiter
📗Preface to «Le Système À Tuer Les Peuples» (The System for Killing Peoples)
📗Cosmopolis: The West as a Non-Place
➡️ ‘Guardians of Heritage’: A Clarion Call for European Identity
📗For a Declaration of the Rights of Peoples
📗The True Function of "Anti-Racism" by Guillaume Faye
🌟Beyond Bourgeois Utilitarianism - Re-Enchanting The World
📗The Cultural Causes of Political Change
📗Archeofuturist Reflections Inspired by the Thought of Giorgio Locchi
🎤/📗Reflections on the Adventurer - An Interview with Jean Mabire
➡️Unearthing Middle-earth’s European Roots
➡️‘The Ideology of Sameness’: A Critique of Egalitarianism
➡️My Review of «Europe, Tiers monde, même combat» (Europe, Third World, Same Fight)
📗The Ideas That Led the World: Intellectuals and History
📗Some Reflections on the Metapolitical Thought of Guillaume Faye
➡️Jünger’s Journey: A Visionary Voice for Europe’s Destiny
➡️Guillaume Faye and the New Ideological Stakes
➡️Alain de Benoist and Carl Schmitt Today
🎤/📗Analysis of Trump's Victory - An Interview with Alain de Benoist
➡️Armin Mohler & The German Conservative Revolution
➡️Alain de Benoist and Guidelines for Decisive Years
➡️Understanding the "Paganism" of the ENR - Part 1
➡️Understanding the "Paganism" of the ENR - Part 2
➡️Understanding the "Paganism" of the ENR - Part 3
➡️Understanding the "Paganism" of the ENR - Part 4
➡️Understanding the "Paganism" of the ENR - Part 5
➡️Understanding the "Paganism" of the ENR - Part 6
🎤/📗Towards a Total State: Interview with Auron MacIntyre
➡️‘A Theory of Europe’: Insights into the New Right’s Vision of Continental Identity
➡️Myth as the Language of Being
📗US Nationalists versus Musk and the 'Tech Bros': What If the American Right Implodes?
➡️Parting Words from the Samurai of the West: Dominique Venner
➡️Why Giorgio Locchi Matters Today
🔒The American Evil (1975) by Alain de Benoist and Giorgio Locchi
➡️GRECE: A Legacy of Cultural Renaissance
➡️Society vs. the Market: Alain de Benoist’s Case Against Liberalism
🌟Guillaume Faye: History of Ideas
🎤/📗Meeting with the Father of Neoreaction
🔒The Main Lines of Carl Schmitt's Political Thought (1987) by Julien Freund