Economics examines how different economic systems function and address the problem of scarcity. The problem is that this “scarcity” is artificially created by governments and self interested parties who manipulate the market for their own benefit. When I studied economics it was elucidated that while data is abundantly available the real challenge is asking the right questions and seeking out relevant information to query. Economics is a powerful tool but just like the proverbial hammer, everything looks like a (economic) nail. Economics also fails to account for the rampant corruption in every sector. When the market is free to operate unhindered, things sort themselves out naturally. All these fingers on the scale counteract the benefits we would expect from such a powerful tool as economics. It should only be seen as one of many tools in the toolbox in an updated systems thinking approach with much to learn from ecology. The various levels of the world economy is very similar in complexity and behavior to natural ecosystems; an economic ecosystem.
A more efficient approach for governments to use is to apply basic budgeting and personal finance principles. Track your spending, set aside 10% for retirement savings first, then pay your bills, then buy food (or infrastructure ), then pay down debt, avoid getting over leveraged, and THEN you can spend what’s left on entertainment (things you want but don’t need). After getting out of debt you can shift most of that money into investments.
But it doesn’t matter. The satanic criminals who run this world will never stop on their own.
Ultimately, with economics, is it the means? or is it the ends? Does the market work for the people or do the people work for the market? The latter is how liberalism operates.
The 2nd half of your statement about how governments should behave is another shiv in economic logic. According to economic "science," people are rational actors in the market and governments are extensions of the people. However, both individuals and collectives, like governments, do not behave rationally in the market. Avoiding debt, balancing budgets, and investing in the future is how a rational actor would behave. Neither individuals nor governments behave in that matter. With all that said, we tend to believe that in liberal societies that all things are being done for rational reasons. When the foundation of society is based on the assumption of rationalism (which is a faulty premise) then you are sitting on top of a faulty foundation. It's doomed to eventually fail.
There will be further translations and writings critiquing 'homo economicus' man. It was one of the big talking points of the Nouvelle Droite.
> When the market is free to operate unhindered, things sort themselves out naturally.
In Russia, the economics has not sorted anything -- or it was not free. Basically, the KGB and Communist Party functionaries took power with no real, free and fair elections ever (basically, the only time when real elections happened in Russia was in 1917 before the Bolshevik coup). On the other hand, the economy and polities being brought to us by Trump-Musk are not free either -- those are monopolist oligrarchy (quite a Russian type), although they may not fully succeed in trying to monopolize everything before 2026. Afraid of loosing the 2026 elections, they will do everything to fully control the media (they already do by 50-60%), suppress opposition figures, ready to rig the elections... All in order to advance their agenda of monopolism, split of the world into zones of dominance of Xi, Trump, Putin, Modi, and ... reign forever. Worth perhaps $2 bn on Jan 18, 2022, Trump has alleady got $50 bn on Jan 19, 2022, - not from selling cars, properties, even before he is sworn in. What are they going to use it for? Of course, to multiply his power, not so much of his wealth (althought wealth too). Economic cannot be considered isolated from politics, one affects the other.
Economics examines how different economic systems function and address the problem of scarcity. The problem is that this “scarcity” is artificially created by governments and self interested parties who manipulate the market for their own benefit. When I studied economics it was elucidated that while data is abundantly available the real challenge is asking the right questions and seeking out relevant information to query. Economics is a powerful tool but just like the proverbial hammer, everything looks like a (economic) nail. Economics also fails to account for the rampant corruption in every sector. When the market is free to operate unhindered, things sort themselves out naturally. All these fingers on the scale counteract the benefits we would expect from such a powerful tool as economics. It should only be seen as one of many tools in the toolbox in an updated systems thinking approach with much to learn from ecology. The various levels of the world economy is very similar in complexity and behavior to natural ecosystems; an economic ecosystem.
A more efficient approach for governments to use is to apply basic budgeting and personal finance principles. Track your spending, set aside 10% for retirement savings first, then pay your bills, then buy food (or infrastructure ), then pay down debt, avoid getting over leveraged, and THEN you can spend what’s left on entertainment (things you want but don’t need). After getting out of debt you can shift most of that money into investments.
But it doesn’t matter. The satanic criminals who run this world will never stop on their own.
Ultimately, with economics, is it the means? or is it the ends? Does the market work for the people or do the people work for the market? The latter is how liberalism operates.
The 2nd half of your statement about how governments should behave is another shiv in economic logic. According to economic "science," people are rational actors in the market and governments are extensions of the people. However, both individuals and collectives, like governments, do not behave rationally in the market. Avoiding debt, balancing budgets, and investing in the future is how a rational actor would behave. Neither individuals nor governments behave in that matter. With all that said, we tend to believe that in liberal societies that all things are being done for rational reasons. When the foundation of society is based on the assumption of rationalism (which is a faulty premise) then you are sitting on top of a faulty foundation. It's doomed to eventually fail.
There will be further translations and writings critiquing 'homo economicus' man. It was one of the big talking points of the Nouvelle Droite.
> When the market is free to operate unhindered, things sort themselves out naturally.
In Russia, the economics has not sorted anything -- or it was not free. Basically, the KGB and Communist Party functionaries took power with no real, free and fair elections ever (basically, the only time when real elections happened in Russia was in 1917 before the Bolshevik coup). On the other hand, the economy and polities being brought to us by Trump-Musk are not free either -- those are monopolist oligrarchy (quite a Russian type), although they may not fully succeed in trying to monopolize everything before 2026. Afraid of loosing the 2026 elections, they will do everything to fully control the media (they already do by 50-60%), suppress opposition figures, ready to rig the elections... All in order to advance their agenda of monopolism, split of the world into zones of dominance of Xi, Trump, Putin, Modi, and ... reign forever. Worth perhaps $2 bn on Jan 18, 2022, Trump has alleady got $50 bn on Jan 19, 2022, - not from selling cars, properties, even before he is sworn in. What are they going to use it for? Of course, to multiply his power, not so much of his wealth (althought wealth too). Economic cannot be considered isolated from politics, one affects the other.